I've moved. . . .
It's official. . . I'm switching over to Wordpress. You can find all of my awesome photos and witty banter here: http://likeabrokenumbrella.wordpress.com/
Une tasse de cafe
There's nothing like a little old world charm while enjoying a cup of coffee and a bite of tiramisu (in a cold shop) on a hot summer afternoon.
You Capture - Play
I was walking through my bedroom over the weekend, and noticed the sun shining just so on this piece of baseboard, and it hit me all over again. I have a house! With baseboards! It's such a happy, content feeling, so I spent some time walking around taking photos of home, and thinking about how peaceful it all is.
Quilts drying on the line outside. . .
A plant enjoying some sun. . .
Sandwich fixings on the kitchen counter. . .
Quilts drying on the line outside. . .
A plant enjoying some sun. . .
Sandwich fixings on the kitchen counter. . .
And the baseboard. . . in the house. . . our house. . .
Because working 8 hours isn't enough. . .
There's nothing like going to work for 8 hours and then deciding to go home and whip up a batch of pepper jelly. The things that we do for family. . .
Pepper Jelly
1 bell pepper, chopped fine
4 decent sized jalepenos, chopped fine (about 1/3 c.)
1 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar
6 c. sugar
6 oz. Certo (or other brand) liquid pectin
Vehicles. . . Whew!
For a little while, I wasn't sure that I could actually take a worthwhile photo of vehicles. How. . . uninspiring to me. . . I thought that I had missed my only chance when I drove past an old, parked tow truck designed to look like Mater from Disney's animation, Cars. (Trust me, the only reason I skipped out on that photo was because it was 110 degrees outside, and I was dressed and on the way to my brother's wedding.)
But then, life happened, and I kept my eyes open, and I finally got them!
But then, life happened, and I kept my eyes open, and I finally got them!
Check out more vehicles on Beth's blog, You Capture:
Small Town Life,
You Capture
Old Quilting Buddies
Get Down Low. . .
I was thinking, for a while, that I wouldn't get around to doing this week's theme on you capture. But, I finally got around to lowering my old, weary, aching bones down to the floor. Birthdays always make you feel decrepit, don't they? Anyhow, this is what I found.

Actually, that makes it seem accidental, when really I thought carefully about the photo for almost five days before I got around to taking it. I've been on this sewing/quilting kick lately, so a close up of the treadle on my granny's old sewing machine seemed like just the thing. I'm trying to focus on appreciating the machines that I have in my house, instead of the idea of buying an old one that I found while thrifting this weekend. . .
Actually, that makes it seem accidental, when really I thought carefully about the photo for almost five days before I got around to taking it. I've been on this sewing/quilting kick lately, so a close up of the treadle on my granny's old sewing machine seemed like just the thing. I'm trying to focus on appreciating the machines that I have in my house, instead of the idea of buying an old one that I found while thrifting this weekend. . .
sewing machines,
You Capture
Around Town
The Breakfast of Champions
As the crazy patrons chuckle maniacally just outside my office door, I close my eyes and enjoy another taste of heaven.
Vietnamese Coffee Jello (adapted from That Winsome Girl's recipe)
2 packages unflavored gelatin
1/2 c. water
2 c. strong coffee
1 can (14 oz.) condensed milk
Mix the 2 packages of unflavored gelatin in a bowl with the 1/2 c. water. Let this sit while you brew 2 c. of strong coffee. My favorite has been with 2 c. of espresso, but the french press also works well (with 8 T. coffee per 2 c. water). Mix the hot coffee with the gelatin until it is completely dissolved. Add in the can of condensed milk and mix well. Refrigerate.
The original recipe can be found here: http://thatwinsomegirl.blogspot.com/2010/04/coffee-jello.html
I want to play along too
It took several weeks before I decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon. . . and what it really comes down to. . . is my desire to have an assignment, a reason to take more photos.
And, fortunately for me, I found it.

This week. . . . water. I moved into my first home this winter, and was surprised and delighted to find out that it came with a Mimosa tree. My favorite. It's even more my favorite in the rain. . .
And, fortunately for me, I found it.
This week. . . . water. I moved into my first home this winter, and was surprised and delighted to find out that it came with a Mimosa tree. My favorite. It's even more my favorite in the rain. . .
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